Music Producer,Mix: Pouria ghorbani
Mastering:Sina talebi
Recording: Sina Talebi,Farshad Pasdar
Artwork:arash zarifian
Music Producer,Mix: Pouria ghorbani
Mastering:Sina talebi
Recording: Sina Talebi,Farshad Pasdar
Artwork:arash zarifian
hooman ajdariIHT GROUPراکراک فارسیراک کانتریموسیقی راکهارد راکهومن اژدری
To whom it may concern,
First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude for your priceless website and the contents.
I downloaded from both links. (Rar package, 57.3 MB)
Unfortunately both packages are damaged. I mean don’t work.
I would highly appreciate it if you could please fix the package. (Zip type is more common.)
I can’t wait for this album anymore.
Once again thank you.
With my compliments,
Life Coach
we wil try again to fix it,thanks fo your patience.
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